Department of Physics

Purple Shin Football

The Competition

Cavcc June 2007

The Purple Shin is a five a-side football competition held at Churchill College over the summer months. Teams are mostly made up from the Department of Physics and other departments (by invitation) based around the West Cambridge site. There are usually two groups of teams before a knockout finals series.

Games are self-refereed until the finals when a nominated person (usually from another team) is chosen.
It's a friendly work competition and therefore, slide tackles are not permitted. The detailed rules can be found here.

The Purple Shin is generously supported by the Department of Physics who kindly fund the hire of the sports field at Churchill College.
There is also a Purple Shin kit based at the Cavendish comprising of a ball, pump, bibs, cones and a whistle. The kit is held at the Stores Office and is available for Physics based teams.
The website is also hosted by the Department (set up in 2010 by Richard Ordish and Colin Edwards) and updated by the tournament organiser.

Away from the Pitch:
As soon as the Cavendish builds a pub (possibly called the h-bar, Error Bars, or the Josephson Junction), we'll be able to enjoy a beer after the games. Until then, inter-group hostilities are strongly encouraged, best expressed in the Cavendish Canteen.